Mar 26, 2010

Siddharth Nair releases "Twisted Minds"

Siddharth Nair, well known guitarist of Blind Image has released his second track "Twisted Minds" for his solo project titled "Essence" . He wanted to make a track that truly defines Essence that is Metal with a nice amount of Ambience,with Groove and a tinge of dJent & that's exactly what he did. The tracks begins with an unforgettable riff & gradually moves into a number of groovy variations with plenty of ambient sounds which create a beautiful atmosphere but the heaviness is still maintained. This track is certainly a treat for everyone, especially guitarist.
It is available for free download on his Reverbnation page.. The name of the track is Twisted minds . enjoy !!

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1 comments: on "Siddharth Nair releases "Twisted Minds""

EssentialBlend said...

Thanks a lot Jared for the feature.
People ,Download it and spread word! :)

Cheers,Peace out!
